- Took a bit of time to rest after the half marathon
- Too long of a long run the week after, made my hip hurt and then needed more time off
- Marty got lost driving to the track
- I got sick
- The weather was really crappy
Not only have I not run hard in over a month, I've also missed a ton of running during that time. I knew I would be pretty out of shape on the track, and the biggest way I could tell was the fact I had NO IDEA what type of pace I was running. I'm usually very good at determining a pace, running it, and then cutting down. Not last night, but the good news was I wasn't horribly slow. But I am horribly sore today (and I didn't run the whole workout; no way. baby steps when coming back to that stuff).
In other news, Marty has an obession with ferns. He's bought a few which sit out on our deck during most of the year, but he babies them when it gets cold and puts them all inside. Since it's been way colder than normal, they seem to have taken up permanent residence in our house. And our house is not that big.
This is what you see upon walking in our door - 2 ferns and 1 houseplant lining the front hallway.
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