Here are some pictures I stole from Kari's fb. Thanks, Kari!
We paid $1 to see spider girl, but they wanted another to take her picture. Kari tried to take one on the sly but it didn't come out, so I guess you'll have to come down and see her for yourself.
They wanted me to buy this t-shirt, but seriously people, if I get a Team Edward shirt it will be classy. This is not it. Duh.
Kenny can fry it, but he ain't that good of a spellur.
I brought my A-Game and decided to step it up a notch by dipping my fried oreo in cheese. It was really good.
Future Farmers of America. Or as Kari captioned this picture on fb "what did you do last saturday night? i showed my cow."
This was the one "ride" we did. I'm on the far right, Alysia is next to me and Kari is next to her.
And I totally kicked it's ass. I win.
Seriously, I love my friends. They are too much fun. We got there nice and early for the pig races (you have to get there 1/2 hour early to get a seat) and it was worth it. The last race of the night are the pot-bellied pigs and the owner (very big old redneck) picks old women from the audience to cheer for one of the pigs, and if your pig wins you get a prize AND you are named Pig Queen. Kari and I shot our hands up high in the air when he came to our section and he started making fun of us for being too young and not knowing which end is the right end of the pig (or something, honestly, I didn't get some of his jokes) but he pointed a finger at me and said "You!" So I jumped up all excited and he says, "No, not you, YOU!" and is pointing at Kari. I totally got dissed by the racing pigs owner. Oh how low can you get in your life?!
Here's Kari trying to become pig queen.
And a very funny video.
I rallied this morning and had a good 9 mile run at Umstead but was totally overdressed since I'm not used to cold weather.
And then it was lots of football today. Marty comes home tomorrow night. I miss my other half.
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